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Tuesday, Feb. 25
The Indiana Daily Student

Bloomington chosen as site for early learning summit in June

Region Filler

Bloomington was selected as the site of an early learning and economic development summit, an important honor for Monroe County.

The Indiana Summit for Economic Development via Early Learning Coalitions is meant to bring people together to learn about why it is economically imperative to invest in early childhood education.

The conference will take place June 5 at the Monroe County Convention Center. Business leaders, educators, civic leaders and early childhood experts will be on hand to discuss early childhood education and hear from featured speakers. The deadline to register is May 22.

“I think it’s a recognition that this community has really stepped up to support young learners,” said Tina Peterson, President and CEO of the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County. “It’s an honor to be selected.”

The Community Foundation, along with Monroe Smart Start are part of the organizing committee for this year’s summit.

“The goal is to embrace the significance of early learning and childhood education in our communities and as a state,” said Tina Peterson.

Speakers for the event come from a variety of expert backgrounds. The keynote speaker is Timothy Bartik, a senior economist at the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

His address will be focused on how early childhood education supports workforce and economic development.

This topic was also the focus of Bartik’s book “Investing in Kids,” published in 2011.

Another featured speaker is Erin Ramsey, a senior manager at the Bezos Family Foundation.

She will be presenting on the importance of early brain development for social and emotional skills, which could affect the workforce.

Peterson said the summit is an immense opportunity for people around Bloomington to participate and learn more about how they can increase early learning opportunities in the community.

For the Community Foundation, it will be a chance to expand partnerships in the southern part of the state, she said.

The Foundation and the community of Bloomington have been committed to developing access to early childhood education and the quality of that education, Peterson said.

They have been trying to create new preschools and make them more accessible to those who may not have the same opportunities.

The first summit in the state of Indiana was held last year in Muncie. This year, they were looking to host the conference in a community that was deeply engaged in supporting and growing access to early childhood education. Bloomington was that community.

But Peterson said they still have more to learn. This summit will be a chance to share their story, but also discuss ways to improve.

Registration for the conference closes May 22 and costs $25. To register, visit

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